Contemporary Showcase
Performances at 6:30PM and 8:00PM
The Contemporary Showcase reflects the technical, artistic and imaginative work the students have immersed themselves in this year and includes all students in the Senior Division. The Faculty at Alberta Ballet School celebrate and honour the hard work, determination and accomplishments of all our students. We hope you enjoy the Contemporary Showcase!
Performance Schedule
Coach Graham McKelvieDancers: SNJT/SNES/PG/Graduate/Trainee
Flatsound, Olafur Arnalds, Rammstein, Peter GregsonSynopsis:
The title refers to a painting, named, “The Raft of the Medusa”, a masterpiece of French Romantic art, completed in the early 1800’s.
This work of art is a depiction of a real-life event.
The Medusa was a French naval frigate, which ran aground. The ship had to be abandoned. Many perished but a few survived, clinging to the raft.
I decided to stay with the metaphor that the painting represents for me, heroic acts, selflessness, faith and community.
We all float on a raft made of our hopes and aspirations. We bravely sally forth towards an unknown future.
We are witnessed by people around us but the many challenges that we face and overcome in the enterprise of our lives are rarely fully appreciated.
If people understood completely the struggles that we face, even if only from time to time, my hope would be for empathy and human kindness.
In the end, we hope our travails will bring us to a higher place. One of enlightenment, humanity and community.
I owe a debt of gratitude to my mentors for what I hope are inspirational moments in this work. They are scattered throughout the choreography like breadcrumbs as a testament to my own personal dance heritage.
Short Intermission (5 minutes)
Katharina SchierDancers:
SNNNH/SNAMNPoetry/Spoken Word:
Katharina SchierMusic Editing:
Katharina Schier and Edmund StripeMusic:
And Again-Michael Wall, Encircle (Ocean)-Solaria, Hindsight 20/20-Chris Derksen, and Energy - Nadeem Din Gabisi, An Overwhelming Hope for Heartbreak-Michael WallSynopsis:
This piece is inspired by a reading. The essence of it resonated with me very much. It described Taoism and went something like this: Life can be thought of as a river and sometimes it can feel most prudent/tempting (through a great act of will, creativity, determination and even force) to pave that river to make the journey from A to B more simple or conducive to our perceived idea of success. On the other hand, what if we could let the river be, and could consider letting go, taking the ups and downs and moving as one, at the mercy of a greater flow?
The work invites them to implement their contemporary training with dynamic and assertive movement combined with exploration of foundational floor work and weight sharing. The piece explores the resistance of hitting walls, becoming mechanical in our attempts to progress and the flow and joy of letting go to feel the support of others and life itself. Many of the students are in a time of transition right now as they prepare for things beyond high school. In the wake of eagerness for the future, I invite them to enjoy and focus on the moment they find themselves in. One step at a time. They will never step into this part of the river again.
Purchase a 50/50 Raffle Ticket in support of Alberta Ballet School. This is your chance to help us keep the joy of dance alive in Alberta and your chance to win half the jackpot raised!
From all our students – thank you for your support!
AGLC Raffle License #627850
No aspiring dancer should be held back from training because of financial barriers
Alberta Ballet School champions a healthy professional dance training environment.
Alberta Ballet School provides up to $400,000 per year in financial supports to Professional Division students. This monetary support is essential to ease the financial burden on families as emerging dancers to receive quality training to pursue professional dance careers.
Training for a professional dance career takes great commitment and determination from a very young age. When a student is ready to make that emotional commitment, the Scholarship Fund is there to help them meet the financial commitments.
Daryl S. Fridhandler, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP (Calgary)VICE CHAIR
Jana Neal, SFG Investments (Calgary & Southern Alberta) & Heather Klimchuk, Advocacy, Connections & Communications Consulting (Edmonton & Northern Alberta)CORPORATE SECRETARY
Frank Molnar, Field Law (Calgary)TREASURER
Jana Neal, SFG Investments (Calgary) -
Denise Clarke, One Yellow Rabbit (Calgary)
Lawrence Gervais, Owner/ Consultant, Babiche Consulting (Calgary)
Wendy Gnenz, Meyers Norris Penny (Edmonton)
Alyssa Kim, Bennett Jones (Edmonton)
Agnieszka (Aggie) Mikulski, TIPP Consulting (Edmonton)
Sarah Palmer, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Calgary)
Noel Papadopoulos, Papas Group (Edmonton)
Heather Rae, HRJ Consulting (Calgary)
Ellie Siebens, EPL Consulting Ltd. (Calgary)
Eric Toker, Modern Flowers (Calgary)
Bob Willows, Willows Construction (2001) Ltd. (Winfield)
Noel Xavier, Edmonton Community Foundation (Edmonton)
Peter A. JohnsonDIRECTOR
Chandra HenryDIRECTOR
Daryl FridhandlerDIRECTOR
Jana Neal
Image by Paul McGrath featuring Alberta Ballet Apprentice and Graduate of Alberta Ballet School Alyssa Churchill