Welcome back to Alberta Ballet’s holiday tradition

The Nutcracker is often the introduction to the incredible and magical world of ballet. It was for me. 

I was first introduced to the story in 5th grade when I was cast to play the Rat King in my school's Christmas show. That year, my grandmother gifted me a commemorative box set of records of Tchaikovsky's entire Nutcracker Suite. 

Once I began training as a dancer, The Nutcracker became an annual event. As my training and my career progressed, I experienced many different roles and many different versions. As a result, the production holds incredible memories for me and is, in some sense, a timeline.

Last year, that timeline experienced a strange break when stages stayed dark through the holidays. This break is something that has been felt by all of us – whether we’re here as a performer, a crew member, a musician or an audience member.

Celebrating The Nutcracker with Albertans is a privilege, and that is something we at Alberta Ballet are reflecting on as we return to this tradition in 2021.

We are so grateful to have you join us. We hope the evening resonates for you with magic and wonder and is a spark of new and renewed holiday memories. 





The Nutcracker first debuted at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg in 1892. While the original piece by Marius Petipa was not an instant hit, Tchaikovsky’s score spread throughout the ballet community, and choreographers jumped at the challenge of creating their own version. Over the years,the ballet has been staged by some of the most well-known choreographers and ballet companies in the world, from Rudolf Nureyev at the Royal Ballet to Mikhail Baryshnikov for the American Ballet Theatre.



Our story begins far away in Russia, at the turn of the 19th century. It is Christmas Eve and the Vishinsky family is welcoming guests to a party at their home. Their children, Klara and Nikolai, play ‘Blind Man’s Buff’ with the other young guests at the party. The game ends with Klara catching Nikolai. Presents are distributed and Klara and Nikolai lead the children in a boisterous dance.

The parents, in turn, dance a courtly quadrille.

Suddenly, there is an interruption. It is the arrival of Drosselmeyer, Klara’s godfather. He has arrived at the party with tricks and mechanical dolls to entertain the guests. His dolls perform an elaborate play, telling the story of a man who once made a mousetrap that was so successful that it enraged the Rat Tsar. The Rat Tsar took revenge on the man by turning his nephew into a hideous nutcracker. The only way to break the spell was to find someone who would love the nutcracker, not for what he looked like, but for what he was.

In the play, the young soldier, who is changed into a nutcracker, is helped by a young ballerina who falls in love with him. She defeats the toy Rat Tsar by hitting him on the head with her slipper.

After the play, Drosselmeyer invites Klara to dance with him, mysteriously presenting her with a nutcracker of her own. Nikolai accidentally breaks the nutcracker, but Klara soon forgives him. Drosselmeyer fixes the nutcracker, and Klara and the girls play with their dolls, despite some interruption by the boys and a somewhat overexcited grandfather.

Grandfather and Babushka are invited to dance, the parents and children joining in the fun. The party ends and the guests depart, the parents taking their weary children with them. Drosselmeyer also appears to leave the party. Klara looks around searching frantically for her nutcracker. But it is nowhere to be seen and Babushka packs Nikolai and Klara off to bed.

Later that night, Klara returns downstairs to the parlour to search for her nutcracker. The town hall clock strikes midnight and at once she is surrounded by mice, looking eerily like the party guests from the previous evening. Suddenly, Drosselmeyer appears and sends the mice to sleep. He explains to Klara that it was actually he who was being portrayed in the play earlier that evening and it was he who had built the mousetrap that had angered the Rat Tsar. The Rat Tsar, in revenge, had transformed his nephew, Karl, into a nutcracker, the very nutcracker that Klara was now holding!

ACT I continued

With Klara’s promise to love the nutcracker, Drosselmeyer employs his magic, causing the room to grow and themselves to shrink. The nutcracker now reappears, life-size to the now tiny Klara and Drosselmeyer. An army of soldiers stream out of the fort to engage in a battle with the cossack rats that have gathered on the other side of the parlour. With the nutcracker leading the soldiers, a fierce battle ensues and eventually the Rat Tsar himself appears. With his powerful magic, he attempts to attack Drosselmeyer, but the nutcracker intervenes to save his uncle.

Klara remembers the play that Drosselmeyer had presented in the parlour that evening and how the ballerina defeated the Rat Tsar by hitting him on the head with her shoe. She strikes the Rat Tsar on the head, distracting him long enough for the nutcracker to attack him with his own sceptre.

The Rat Tsar is mortally wounded and the nutcracker collapses in pain at the feet of Klara and Drosselmeyer. Drosselmeyer realizes that his plans, and his magic, are still not enough to transform his nephew. Klara and Drosselmeyer sense that their surroundings are changing and as Klara seeks help, she encounters wolves that she thinks are there to devour her precious nutcracker. However, the wolves are the attendants of the Snow Tsarina who appears in her sleigh. She instructs Drosselmeyer to stand the nutcracker up and with a wave of her hand, casts a spell that transforms the nutcracker back into Karl. It takes a moment or two for Karl to realize that he is human again. Once he does, he embraces Drosselmeyer and Klara, and thanks the Snow Tsarina for her life-restoring spell.

The Snow Tsarina summons her Snow Princesses and as Klara and Karl frolic in the snow, she guides them towards a mysterious palace far away in the distance.



The Snow Tsarina leads the sleigh to the gates of the Palace of the Sugar Plum Fairy. There they are greeted by the Palace Pages and are introduced to the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier. The Sugar Plum Fairy introduces dancers from Spain and Russia who dance for Klara and Karl in celebration. Klara and Karl dance and are then entertained by the Palace Pages and the Waltz of the Flowers. The celebrations continue with the Sugar Plum Fairy and her Cavalier dancing for their honoured guests, concluding in a rousing finale.


Very early the next morning, Klara answers a knock at the front door. It is Drosselmeyer. He bids her good morning and, from under his cape, produces a nutcracker. A young man, who seems strangely familiar to Klara enters, and as he and Drosselmeyer depart together, Klara begins to wonder whether it was all a dream after all.




Jean Grand-Maître, C.M.
Co-Artistic Director


Christopher Anderson,
Co-Artistic Director






Co-Artistic Director Christopher Anderson will begin his tenure as Alberta Ballet’s Artistic Director in July 2022.         

Before joining Alberta Ballet in 2015, Anderson enjoyed a 16-year career in professional dance. A graduate of Purchase College’s SUNY Conservatory of Dance, he launched his career at Boston Ballet, and two years later was invited to join Salt Lake City’s Ballet West. During his career, he danced leading roles both nationally and internationally and further had several roles created for him by some of today’s most exciting choreographers.  

In 2015, Alberta Ballet offered Anderson a contract as Ballet Master. Anderson was motivated to accept, given the strong talent he saw in the company’s dancers. He retired from professional dance and joined Alberta Ballet’s leadership team. At the end of his first season, he took on an expanded role of Associate Artistic Director. 

Seeing that the company had a strong foundation of contemporary and theatrical works in its repertoire, Anderson chose to set classics for his first full-length works for Alberta Ballet. He premiered Cinderella in 2017 and The Sleeping Beauty in 2018. In 2019, he also premiered a contemporary one-act Sixth Breath (2019).   

Presently, Anderson is setting Swan Lake for an Alberta Ballet premiere in October. The 2021-22 season will also revive his production of Cinderella.


EDMUND STRIPE Choreographer

A prolific and award-winning choreographer, Edmund has established a notable career in both contemporary and classical ballet fields as dancer and ballet master.

Edmund Stripe was born in London, England and trained at the Royal Ballet School where his distinguished teachers included Walter Trevor, Nancy Kilgour, Piers Beaumont, and Richard Glasstone. He has danced with Ballet Gulbenkian (Portugal), London City Ballet, and the West Australian Ballet, where he created many major works for the company. He was appointed Ballet Master for West Australian Ballet in 1998.

 He joined Singapore Dance Theatre as Ballet Master in 2000: there he assisted in the mounting and re-creation of works by such noted choreographers as Jivˇí Kylián, Nacho Duato, and Goh Choo San. In 2002 he moved to Alberta Ballet as Ballet Master and over the next decade, assisted with works by George Balanchine, Agnes de Mille, Christopher Wheeldon and Jean Grand-Maître. His works for Alberta Ballet include Unquiet Light (2003), Swelter (2005), Alice in Wonderland (2006) and The Nutcracker (2008). He continues creating with Alberta Ballet as Choreographic Associate/Artist in Residence.



Tchaikovsky was a leading Russian composer of the late 19th century whose works are notable for their melodic inspiration and their orchestration. He is regarded as the master composer for classical ballet, as demonstrated by his scores for Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and The Sleeping Beauty. Among the most subjective of composers, Tchaikovsky is inseparable from his music. His work is a manifestation, sometimes charming, often showy, of repressed feelings that became more and more despairing in his later years and were most fully expressed in his Sixth Symphony. Though his later work rejected conscious Russian nationalism, its underlying sentiment and character are as distinctively Russian as that of the Russian nationalist composers.


ZACH BROWN Costume And Scenery Design

Zack Brown is one of the most versatile theatrical designers in the United States with a career that has spanned Broadway, opera, ballet, and television. Since obtaining his degree from the Yale School of Drama, he has designed the sets and costumes for over 150 productions. From the Metropolitan Opera to the Spoleto Festival; from the Hamburg Ballet to the Circle in the Square in New York; from the San Francisco Opera to the Maly Theatre in Moscow, Mr. Brown’s talents have been employed throughout the world. Washington, D.C., however, has seen the greatest body of his work with over 40 productions for the Washington Opera at the Kennedy Center, and numerous plays and musicals at Arena Stage and The Shakespeare Theater. He designed the scenery and costumes for the Tony Award-winning revival of On Your Toes, and he is the recipient of two Emmy Awards for the broadcast of La Gioconda from the San Francisco Opera. Alberta Ballet, Milwaukee Ballet, and Pittsburgh Ballet, all have productions of The Nutcracker designed by Mr. Brown. For American Ballet Theater, he has created productions of Swan Lake, Raymonda, Gaite Parisienne, Jardin Aux Lilas and Dim Lustre, Lowell Liberian’s Piano Concerto #1 and Dorian based on “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” Most recently for American Ballet Theatre he designed a new Theme and Variations. He has also designed the settings for Suzanne Farrell’s staging of Balanchine’s Don Quixote for her own company and the National Ballet of Canada.


PIERRE LAVOIE Lighting Design

Pierre Lavoie has been active in dance since   1982, first in Toronto as stage manager for most of the city’s modern dance companies, then in Montréal for Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. There he had the great opportunity to work closely with his mentor, lighting designer Nick Cernovitch. Lavoie started designing lighting in the 1990s for Margie Gillis and has since designed every new work in her repertoire. He also created lights for many independent modern dance artists in Montréal. Lavoie’s versatility is evident in how easily he can sustain both modern and classical vocabulary. He has designed to rave reviews at Alberta Ballet where he is resident lighting designer. Lavoie has also designed works for Shumka Dancers, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Ballet BC, Boston Ballet and many others. For opera, Lavoie designed at Pacific Opera Victoria, Opera New Brunswick, Opéra de Québec and Tapestry Singers. 


Peter Dala Music Director, Conductor

Born in Toronto, Peter Dala studied piano and conducting at England’s Royal College of Music. While in London he worked at the Royal Ballet School as a répétiteur which led to become Conductor and Pianist of the Basel Ballet in Switzerland in 1984. He also worked at the International Opera Studio, Zurich Opera, Switzerland where he conducted his first opera, and guest conducted for the Zurich Ballet. In 1988, Dala joined the Hungarian State Opera in Budapest where he conducted both opera and ballet performances. Career highlights include performances of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, and Mendelssohn’s ballet A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the Singaporeand Hong Kong Festival of Arts. He joined Edmonton Opera as Chorus Director/Répétiteur, where he made his debut conducting Gounod’s Romeo and Juliette (1997). He is presently Resident Conductor. Mr. Dala started conducting for Alberta Ballet in 2001 with The Nutcracker, and was appointed Music Director in 2005.



Christiana is in her fifth season working as part of Alberta Ballet’s artistic team. Previous to her position as Rehearsal Director at Alberta Ballet, she was a Principal dancer with Ballet West for 16 years. While dancing with Ballet West, Bennett was given the opportunity to dance throughout the United States, Europe and Asia where she was met with international acclaim. Some of her favourite ballets to perform were Swan Lake, Balanchine’s Diamonds and Serenade, Ben Stevenson’s Cinderella, Nicolo Fonte’s Bolero, Jiri Kylian’s Sinfonietta, William Forsythe’s In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated and Aszure Barton’s Happy Little Things.  Christiana also had many roles created for her by choreographers such as Matthew Neenan, Nicolo Fonte, Helen Pickett, Val Caniparoli, Christopher Anderson, Garrett Smith and Charlotte Boye-Christensen. 

As a native of Massachusetts, most of her training was along the Eastern seaboard at prestigious schools. However, she attributes her career to the training received at Pacific Northwest Ballet School under the tutelage of Francis Russell. 


YEE-HANG YAM Stage Manager


ANDREA GINTER Alberta Ballet Lead Physiotherapist - Momentum Health



Friday, December 10, 2021 – 7:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Sayuri Nakanii
Karl: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Alexandra Gibson
Mother: Reilley McKinlay
Father: Kelley McKinlay
Nikolai: Alan Ma
Babuschka: Melissa Eguchi
Grandfather: Eli Barnes
Hussar Doll: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Ballerina Doll: Allison Perhach
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Kale Lazarick

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Mariko Kondo
Cavalier: Yoshiya Sakurai

Chocolat: Heather Dornian, Kelley McKinlay
Trepak: Eli Barnes, Kale Lazarick

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Saturday, December 11, 2021 – 1:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Alexandra Gibson
Karl: Yoshiya Sakurai
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Reilley McKinlay
Mother: Seira Iwamoto
Father: Kelley McKinlay
Nikolai: Alan Ma
Babuschka: Allison Perhach
Grandfather: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Hussar Doll: Yoshiya Sakurai
Ballerina Doll: Brittany Broussard
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Zacharie Dun

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Jennifer Gibson
Cavalier: Aaron Anker

Chocolat: Alexandra Hughes, Kelley McKinlay
Trepak: Scotto Hamed-Ramos, Zacharie Dun

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Saturday, December 11, 2021 – 6:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Jennifer Gibson
Karl: Aaron Anker
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Reilley McKinlay
Mother: Seira Iwamoto
Father: Kelley McKinlay
Nikolai: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Babuschka: Allison Perhach
Grandfather: Yoshiya Sakurai
Hussar Doll: Aaron Anker
Ballerina Doll: Kira Anderson
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Zacharie Dun

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Luna Sasaki
Cavalier: Alan Ma

Chocolat: Alexandra Gibson, Zacharie Dun
Trepak: Scotto Hamed-Ramos, Yaroslav Khudych

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Sunday, December 12, 2021 – 1:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Luna Sasaki
Karl: Alan Ma
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Mariko Kondo
Mother: Reilley McKinlay
Father: Zacharie Dun
Nikolai: Kale Lazarick
Babuschka: Melissa Eguchi
Grandfather: Eli Barnes
Hussar Doll: Alan Ma
Ballerina Doll: Allison Perhach
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Scotto Hamed-Ramos

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Heather Dornian
Cavalier: Kelley McKinlay

Chocolat: Seira Iwamoto, Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Trepak: Eli Barnes, Kale Lazarick

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Friday, December 17, 2021 – 7:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Jennifer Gibson
Karl: Aaron Anker
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Reilley McKinlay
Mother: Seira Iwamoto
Father: Kelley McKinlay
Nikolai: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Babuschka: Allison Perhach
Grandfather: Yoshiya Sakurai
Hussar Doll: Aaron Anker
Ballerina Doll: Kira Anderson
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Zacharie Dun

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Luna Sasaki
Cavalier: Alan Ma

Chocolat: Alexandra Gibson, Zacharie Dun
Trepak: Scotto Hamed-Ramos, Yaroslav Khudych

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Saturday, December 18 – 1:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Alexandra Gibson
Karl: Yoshiya Sakurai
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Jennifer Gibson
Mother: Mariko Kondo
Father: Zacharie Dun
Nikolai: Kale Lazarick
Babuschka: Kira Anderson
Grandfather: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Hussar Doll: Yoshiya Sakurai
Ballerina Doll: Sayuri Nakanii
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Eli Barnes

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Alexandra Hughes
Cavalier: Kelley McKinlay

Chocolat: Heather Dornian, Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Trepak: Eli Barnes, Kale Lazarick

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Saturday, December 18 – 6:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Sayuri Nakanii
Karl: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Alexandra Gibson
Mother: Reilley McKinlay
Father: Kelley McKinlay
Nikolai: Alan Ma
Babuschka: Melissa Eguchi
Grandfather: Eli Barnes
Hussar Doll: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Ballerina Doll: Allison Perhach
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Kale Lazarick

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Mariko Kondo
Cavalier: Yoshiya Sakurai

Chocolat: Heather Dornian, Kelley McKinlay
Trepak: Eli Barnes, Kale Lazarick

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Sunday, December 19 – 1:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Jennifer Gibson
Karl: Aaron Anker
Drosselmeyer: Garrett Groat
Tsarina: Reilley McKinlay
Mother: Seira Iwamoto
Father: Kelley McKinlay
Nikolai: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Babuschka: Allison Perhach
Grandfather: Yoshiya Sakurai
Hussar Doll: Aaron Anker
Ballerina Doll: Kira Anderson
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Zacharie Dun

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Luna Sasaki
Cavalier: Alan Ma

Chocolat: Alexandra Gibson, Zacharie Dun
Trepak: Scotto Hamed-Ramos, Yaroslav Khudych

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Wednesday, December 22 – 7:00 PM

Act I

Klara: Jennifer Gibson
Karl: Aaron Anker
Drosselmeyer: Kelly McKinlay
Tsarina: Mariko Kondo
Mother: Heather Dornian
Father: Eli Barnes
Nikolai: Alan Ma
Babuschka: Melissa Eguchi
Grandfather: Scotto Hamed-Ramos
Hussar Doll: Aaron Anker
Ballerina Doll: Sayuri Nakanii
Rat Doll/Rat Tzar: Kale Lazarick

Guests, Calvary, Wolves, Snowflakes: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

Act II

Sugar Plum Fairy: Alexandra Gibson
Cavalier: Zacharie Dun

Chocolat: Allison Perhach, Eli Barnes
Trepak: Scotto Hamed-Ramos, Kale Lazarick

Flowers and Flower Cavaliers: Artists of Alberta Ballet and Alberta Ballet School

For the Love of Chocolate

To eat a cōchu chocolate is one of life’s simple pleasures! cōchu chocolates are inventive, beautiful works of art with flavour combinations that push traditional boundaries into delicious new flavour territory.

cōchu chocolatier officially launched in February 2017. In just four years, Anne Sellmer’s skill and artistry has been recognized from San Francisco to London to Florence and she has won 68 local, national and international awards. These include 41 World Final Medals, being named 6-Star Grand Master Chocolatier and one of the Top 10 Chocolatiers and Confectioners in North America.


Also joining us:

Tatyana Carr

Haruno Otani

Conrad Cahoon

Daryk Richards


Company Dancers Supported by


Company Apprentices Supported By



Abigael Rosina George

Allegra Provenzano

Analise Evans

Anna Li

Anna Pelletier

Ava McKay

Bianca Gregory

Brynn Eisler

Camila Serrano

Cate Kim

Celina Wang

Charley Jennings

Chenaya Senadheera

Chizuru Kikuchi

Elena Lee

Eloise Grouette

Esther Benson

Evia Hayter

Gabriela Tarbay

Gracie Mills

Hannah Grace Tong

Hannah Kohn

Hannah Kreft

Hinata Takahara

Hirosuke Nakai

Jade Reid

Jakey McCullough

Josephine Grouette

Kaidin Rathwell

Katherine Li

Konoha Inoyusu

Kylie Freeman

Lexingten Iversen

Lucia Quarles

Luka Anastasia

Elise Lawrence

Maira Otani

Mako Okabe

María Alanís Chapa

Marissa Chau

Marlena Kuret

Mary Washkosky

Naomi Jenkins

Nea McLean

Nelly Sandoval-Bejarano

Nevaeh Triebwasser

Olivia Avinou

Pascale Decelles

Sammy Stanfield

Sara Garcia Jimenez

Sarah Koslowsky

Sawyer Crawford-Clarke

Sofia Moran

Sophie Catriona Cruz

Sydney Epp

Victoria Mah

Willa Clark

Winnifred Lange

Yishui Xu

Yoshino Horita

Children’s Cast Repetiteurs - Julie Morgan-Thompson and Jelena Bagaric-Mandic


Did You Know?

Every year Alberta Ballet School students are cast in The Nutcracker in the roles of Mice, Party Children, Rats and Palace Pages.

It is a highlight for staff, students and families to have Alberta Ballet School students dance along side the Alberta Ballet Company each December. There is something truly magical about watching and sharing a love of art, movement, and music. Alberta Ballet School is happy to foster that love at all ages and provide ballet training for dancers ages 3 to adult!

Registration is open for sessional classes this winter!

Visit the Alberta Ballet School website to register today.


Raven Hehr Director of Artistic Operations

Kelsey Miller Technical Director

Jason McLellan Assistant Technical Director

Chris McPherson Head Carpenter

Summer Anderson Head Electrician

Georgia Jeffery Assistant Electrician       

Cassie Smith Head of Props

Juli Elkiw Head of Wardrobe

Shawnte Burrell Wardrobe Assistant

Kari Bjarnason- Willcocks Wardrobe Assistant

Karen Crocker Childrens Wardrobe Supervisor

Anne Nguyen Costume Cutter  


Peter Dala, Conductor

Violin 1 Donovan Seidle, Edmund Chung, Bonnie Louie, Olga Kotova 

Violin 2 Stephanie Soltice-Johnson,  Min-Kyung Kwon, Jeremy Gabbert,  Adriana Lebedovich 

Viola Laurent Grillet-Kim, Jesse Morrison 

Cello Josue Valdepenas, Kathleen de Caen 

Double Bass  Patrick Staples 

Flute Lucie Jones, Sarah MacDonald 

Oboe Alex Klein, David Sussman 

Clarinet Slavko Popovic, Jocelyn Colquhoun 

Bassoon Michael Hope 

Horn  Jennifer Frank, Heather Wootton, Maxwell Stein, Doug Umana

Trumpet Adam Zinatelli, Miranda Cairns 

Trombone  David Reid 

Timpani  Alex Cohen 

Percussion  Malcolm Lim 

Harp  Tisha Murvihill 

Piano  Rolf Bertsch 

Alberta Ballet is proud to partner with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra



Jean Grand-Maître explores humanity’s growing addiction to technology in this contemporary sci-fi ballet, inspired by the music of the late great David Bowie.

Phi will be conceived by six world-class designers and will feature more than 13 monumental compositions spanning the entire career of the legendary songwriter, including Heroes, Ashes to Ashes, Heathen and I’m Afraid of Americans.

Phi will explore the contrasting aesthetics of the futuristic virtual world with the natural beauty of the disappearing world of true reality. This is the seventh installment in Jean’s illustrious portrait ballet series in which he’s drawn inspiration from some of the most significant singer-songwriters of our time.

Already attracting attention on the world stage, Phi stands to be the hottest ticket this season!

CALGARY | Mar 10-19

EDMONTON | Mar 31-Apr 2



Conceived of during the pandemic, the Alberta Ballet Endowment Fund has been created to ensure dance survives the most unpredictable and devastating of situations. Its balanced investment approach, paired with the power of compounding interest, converts your generous capital investments into consistent, predictable disbursements that Alberta Ballet can rely upon to deliver more powerful performances to more people in more parts of our province–so no pandemic or downturn can threaten the art we all love.

Built to Survive

Between March and May of 2020, the pandemic wiped out $7.7 million worth of ticket revenue, gravely affecting our livelihood and that of our dancers. Building an endowment fund to provide reliable and stable annual income is the answer to overcoming future unpredictable annual revenue, that could leave Alberta Ballet extremely vulnerable. 

Your Contribution Goes Further

The Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) matches up to $2 million per year raised from private donors. This means that not only is your generous gift protected in perpetuity, but Alberta Ballet can apply for matching dollars as well, accelerating the fund’s ability to reach these important goals:

·       Bring the magic of dance to more communities in Alberta.

·       Grow professional dance education throughout the province.  

·       Commission new works that resonate with Albertans. 

Together, We Can Be Forever Moved

If you possess a love of dance and the vision that it can unite communities, then you understand why a strong endowment fund is necessary for the future of Alberta Ballet. Together, we can create a sustainable dance network across our province for years to come.

To donate to the Alberta Ballet Endowment Fund, please contact us at donate@albertaballet.com or call 403.245.4222 ext. 548.


Endowment Donors

Barbara A. Palmer

Alfred Sorensen

Clarice Evans Siebens


Jana Nea

Ellen & Daryl Fridhandler

Ellie & Carter Siebens

John W. Masters & Carol J. Larsen

Walt & Irene DeBoni

Bob Willows

Gerard D. McInnis & Angelina Castro-Miquel

Papadopoulos & LaBonte Families

Heather Rae

Sarah Palmer & Tom Plunkett

Aggie Mikulski

Dr. Paul and Carole Savage

Douglas Myhre

John Seto & Christel Mueller

Melissa Bell & Matthew Fenwick

Patricia Moore

Frank Molnar

Elan MacDonald

David & Vi Todd

Pam FitzGerald and Robert Arts

Colin Jackson & Arlene Strom



Thank you!

Thank you for your continued generosity through these many uncertain months and for all the ways you support our mission to share dance and ballet.

To become an Alberta Ballet Member, contact our Patron Services Team.
800-646-8533 ext 2. or email members@albertaballet.com


Dancer Spotlight ($10,000 +)

Marie and Robert Baird

Andrea Brussa

Walter and Irene DeBoni

Heather Edwards

Annie Freeze

Jana Neal

Barbara Palmer

John Seto & Christel Mueller

Clarice Siebens

Alfred Sorensen

Rod & Betty Wade

Emerging Artist ($5,000 +)


George & Colleen Bezaire

Ian and Heather Bourne

Dr. Anthony and Jennifer Cook

Lynn & Vern Hult

John & Sheilagh Langille

Andrew & Alison Love

Dr. Doug Myhre

Betty Schultz

Pas de Deux ($2500 +)


Kerri and Sean Barr

Kelly Bourassa

Judy Cosco

Christopher and Ingrid Eggertson

John Feldberg

Focus Communications

Janice Heard & Bruce McFarlane

John Thompson and Joni Hughes

Colin Jackson & Arlene Strom

J'Adore Dance

Jo Ann Jones

Elan MacDonald

Roderick & Jean McKay

Maggie & John Mitchell

Jennifer & Torval Mork

Diana Mulherin

Brenda Nugent

Jack & Esther Ondrack

Raechelle & Lorne Paperny

Peabody Family Foundation

Robert & Jean Ann Rooney

Barry & Maureen Schloss

Michael & Natasha Simaeys

Hope Smith

Martin & Theresa Trotter

Sharon Watkins and Alan Kane

Dance Circle ($1500 +)

Dr. Hillary and Jussi Alto

Judith Anderson

R.R. Andrews

Tom Aves and Christie Hughes

Angelina Bakshi

Valerie & Tony Barlott

Laurie Bayda

Joan Bedard

Katherine Bilson

Josh Bilyk

Corinne Bleakley & Lindsay Hyndman

Julia Boberg

John C. Bonnycastle

Dr. Ann Calvert

Kimberley & Kevin Carlson

Laura Cillis & Leonard Arcovio

Elaine M. Coachman

Linda Cochrane

Monique Courcelles

Lisa Cuthill

Linda De Bathe

C J de Jong

Leslie Dort

Duke Evans Inc.

Kristine Eidsvik and Tom Couture

Sandra Evans and Bill Gordon

Ann Falk

Fath Group/O'Hanlon Paving

Amanda Field

Pamela FitzGerald & Robert Arts

Daryl and Ellen Fridhandler

Leigh Garvie/Coronation Physiotherapy

Leslie and Gerald Giacomelli

Leona Gibb

Joanne Graham and Ian Laxdal

Dianne Grant

Dr. Andrew Greenshaw

Darin Grisdale

Matias Grum and Amy Martin

David Haigh and Dawn Riley

Colleen Hartley

Elayna  Hernandez-Kucey

Jose-Carlos Herrero & Nicole Herrero-Langlais

Todd Hirsch

Stephanie Ho Lem

Gary Holland and Kim Kroetsch

Melanie Houley

Victoria Johnston & Gregory McLeod

Craig & Valerie Johnstone

Dr. Adrian Jones

Eileen Jones

Marianne Kasper

Heather Klimchuk

Nicole Lachance & Roberto Noce

Danielle Lajoie

Bob & Mary Lamond

Davin & Alexis Macintosh

Scott MacKinnon and Lianna Stillwell

Valerie MacLeod

Roger Mapp

The Mar Family

Alfredo Martin

Carol Larsen and John Masters

Tara Mathison

Erica McBeth & Darwin Smith

M. Ann McCaig

Roxanne McCaig

Jane McCaig and Richard Waller

Gerard Mcinnis

Annie and Greg McKitrick

Kathy J. McMillan

Gwen an Keith McMullen

Dr. John McRory and Cathy Ascroft

Aggie Mikulski

Annette Milbradt

Arliss Miller

Linda L. Miller

Frank Molnar & Anna Maria Marrocco

Alan and Geri  Moon

Kathy R. Morgan

Julie Moylan

James & Allison Murphy

Dr. Richard and Aurora Musto

Heather and Ruben Nelson

Jack and Donna Newton

Leslie Ann O'Leary

Keith & Cindy O'Neill

Gail O'Reilly

Sarah Palmer and Tom Plunket

Renate Palmer

Noel Papadopoulos

Leslie Pidcock

Lisa Poole

Veronica Prokop & Peter Andrekson

Gina and Trevor Pylatuik

Trina Quickfall

Heather Rae

Garry and Ruth Ramsden-Wood

Christine Richard

Sarah Riedner

Darcia Rolland

Mona & Scott Rose

City Lumber - Robert Rosen

Patricia Seamans

Hon. Marina Paperny and Dr. Shep Secter

Ellie Siebens

Marco Simonelli

Shelley and Betty Ann Smith

Gordon Sombrowski & Kevin Allen

Kevin Stecyk

Jill Strueby

Lucie Thirnbeck

Lee Anne Tibbles

David & Violet Todd

Eric and Dedre Toker

Liz Anne Tonken

Anne Marie and Christopher Toutant

Yolanda Van Wachem and Hugh McPhail

Dr. Ingrid Vicas

Penelope Weir

Mitch & Susanne Williams

Crystal and Blair Willie

Bob Willows

Ian Young & Catherine Barrett

Jim Gibson

First Soloist Members ($800 +)

Lana Bistritz

E Ross Bradley

Christine Hayward

Wendy D. Lunn-Strickland

Valerie Obligacion

Osten-Victor Fund

Enzo Pasquini

Scott A. Polischuk

Pratch Family Foundation

Ralph & Gay Young Family Capital Fund

Carole Savage

Richard and Mary Shaw

Kathryn Ward

Thank you to the following foundations for their support and matching gifts


Alberta Ballet Foundation


Calgary Foundation


Edmonton Community Foundation

GiftFunds Canada

Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by Altalink

The past year has shown us the power of our community more than ever. You found many ways to give. With your support, we have explored new ways to share dance and now are ready to celebrate a triumphant return to the stage.

Thank you for your donations, your partnership and your encouragement.

Our donor team is always happy to hear from supporters. You can reach us via donate@albertaballet.com.


Cinderella has become a beloved family ballet you won’t want to miss.

Taking inspiration from the 1697 Charles Perrault version, Christopher Anderson’s retelling of Cinderella features all of the best-loved characters from the original story including a wicked stepmother, comedic stepsisters, a dashing young prince and of course, a magical fairy godmother.

Be swept into an enchanting world created by one of ballet’s most prolific set and costume designers, Peter Farmer, and join us on a journey of a heroine who makes her dreams come true through the perseverance of an optimistic spirit and a special pair of shoes.



of supporters helps us bring the most exciting live dance to the stage. Thank you to all our partners!



Daryl S. Fridhandler, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP (Calgary)

Joshawa N. Bilyk, TLA Developments Ltd. (Edmonton)

Jana Neal, SFG Investments (Calgary)

Frank Molnar, Field Law (Calgary)

Jana Neal, SFG Investments (Calgary)

Elan MacDonald, University of Alberta (Edmonton)

Ellie Siebens (Calgary) & Noel Papadopoulos (Edmonton)



Linda Cochrane (Edmonton)

Todd Hirsch, ATB (Calgary)

Heather Klimchuk, Advocacy, Connections & Communications Consulting (Edmonton)

Agnieszka (Aggie) Mikulski, TIPP Consulting (Edmonton)

Noël Papadopoulos, Papas Group (Edmonton)

Heather Rae, HRJ Consulting (Calgary)

Ellie Siebens, EPL Consulting Ltd. (Calgary)

Bob Willows, Willows Construction (2001) Ltd. (Winfield)



Alfred Sorensen

Peter A. Johnson

Daryl Fridhandler

Heather Rae

Chandra Henry



Special thank you to the Nickle Foundation for providing funding for this year’s low-touch, no-touch lobby activities.