2025 Conteporary Showcase

Featuring Alberta Ballet School Students, Post-Graduates and the Alberta Ballet Trainees
Friday, March 21, 2025 at DJD
Performances at 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm

Performance Schedule

Welcome Speech, Ashley McNeil, Director of Alberta Ballet School

  • Choreographer: Hofesh Schecter
    Coach: Helen Cox

    Student: Lindi Denkema

  • Music: Shell by Gunn-Truscinski Duo
    Choreographer: Graham McKelvie

    Student: Takumi Iino

  • Music: Vivaldi
    Coach: Helen Cox

    Student: Emma Poirier

  • Music: Manége by Michael Karlsson
    Choreographer: Kaitlyn Seabold

    About the work: A gesture. A reflection. A thread pulled and woven again.

    Something begins, is seen, and returns—but not as it was. Shapes fold into each other, shifting, slipping between memory and motion. A pattern forms, then unravels.

    Familiar, yet changed. The echo is never quite the same.

    This piece is a work in progress, developed by the Alberta Ballet students through exploration in contemporary movement.

    Junior School Students: Adriana Hohman, Eleanor Jamieson, Elijah Minkley, Gabriella Zuniga,Hannah Stewart,Haydee Choi, Heloise Shen, Ivy Niebergall, Kaiden Rathwell, Megan Hills, Mila Tait, Milana Poverzhuk, Noah Findlay, Noemi Moe, Soleil Lam, Tamsin Hill,Alexandra Levis, Chanel Lee, Claudia Gimon, Ena Sato, Elsa Anderson,Himari Imada, Kanon Suzuki, Kizuna Narumi, Konomi Takeuchi, Lisa Tanaka, Massa Dewa,Mariia Vasylenko, Momone Nakada, Nanaho Miyahshita, Poppy Purwien, Riko Matshushita, Siwon Park, , Sophia Labelle, Yua Taguchi

  • Music: We Sit and Cry by David Lang
    Choreographer: Racheal Prince
    Coach: Graham McKelvie

    Student: Simone Stolar

  • Music: Reflections by Timo Andres, Conor Hanick, and Sufjan Stevens
    Choreographer: Helen Cox

    This piece is set to a score written for two pianos, originally composed by Sufjan Stevens for the New York City Ballet. During my maternity leave, Stevens' album became a source of inspiration, sparking vivid imagery of shape, colour, and movement that resonated with the music.

    In collaboration with the dancers, we have crafted a piece using the excerpts "Euphoros" and "Rodina." The resulting work, for me, embodies a sense of presence and connection. The title Glimmer refers to the fleeting moments of joy, pleasure, peace, and gratitude that punctuate our daily lives.

    Senior School Students: Andie Watson, Bokyung Kim, Cameryn MacDougall, Charie Ngan, Chisato Yoshimura, Ella Plichta, Heewon Hwang, Indigo Jakeman, Jiho Jung, Koh Sato, Mary Hills, Masha Komina, Pascale Decelles, Raissa Doppelreiter, Roxanne Koehn, Siofra McAweeney, Yuhuza Arai

6:30 PM

Intermission (10 minutes)

  • Music: Leo Delibes
    Choreographer: Helen Cox

    Student: Regina Aguilar

  • Choreographer: Graham McKelvie
    A Morning Spent Thinking of a Life Without You by Flatsound

    Student: Evia Hayter

  • Music: Fordlandia by Johann Johannson
    Choreographer: Graham McKelvie

    The Message In The Bottle is my observation of the times in which we live, in all it’s exuberance, anxiety and hope. I see around me everywhere, people carrying their burdens or dragging behind them their hopes, fears and aspirations. I wish for more in the way of a peaceful calm. This is one of my wishes for the world. In this work, the dancers themselves are the message in the bottle. Each of us is the sum of our experiences, joys, hurts, determination and hopes. Our experiences make us who we are. We become a longer story with ever more chapters until we are found and known. It is for these reasons I find the notion of a message in a bottle so compelling and filled with a kind of romance. When I was young there was a scroll put up in my house upon which was printed "Desiderata”. It was a well known piece of writing back in its day, written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. Desiderata means simply “things wanted or needed”. The lines that follow are but a few from the entire text but they stayed with me my entire life. They became for me, a kind of message in a bottle, written long ago... and found. I feel these lines retain their wonder and they have never failed to inspire me.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

    Senior School Students: Analise Evans, Eva - Maria Fox, Lucinda Huska, Hiyori Sampei, Kanon Harada, Lindi Denkema, Maria Santos, Miku Amemiya, Mimi Nordlund, Olivia Avinou, Sydney Parish, Brynn Eisler, Eden Robichaud, Esther Benson, Kaili Kirschbaum, Lucy Kim, Sophie Cruz, Takumi Iino, Tamaki Tsunomachi, Tsuzuri Hasunuma, Willa Clark, Anya Viinikka, Alana Ostrowski, Alessandra Gladstone, Anika Bhatnagar, Anna Pellietier, Annalise Read, Aoi Engauchi, Ava Arnold, Ella Southwell, Greer Townsend, Lily Summerville, Mikaela Jade Shedden, Miriam Hills, Morgan Dunham, Nene Hori, Regina Aguilar, Sarah Koslowsky, Simone Stolar, Sophie Janzen, Tierney Baker, Zofia Dyck, Tom Waters

8:00 PM

  • Choreographer: Hofesh Schecter
    Coach: Helen Cox

    Student: Lindi Denkema

  • Music: Shell by Gunn-Truscinski Duo
    Choreographer: Graham McKelvie

    Student: Willa Clark

  • Music: Vivaldi
    Coach: Helen Cox

    Student: Alessandra Gladstone

  • Music: Manége by Michael Karlsson
    Choreographer: Kaitlyn Seabold

    About the work: A gesture. A reflection. A thread pulled and woven again.

    Something begins, is seen, and returns—but not as it was. Shapes fold into each other, shifting, slipping between memory and motion. A pattern forms, then unravels.

    Familiar, yet changed. The echo is never quite the same.

    This piece is a work in progress, developed by the Alberta Ballet students through exploration in contemporary movement.

    Junior School Students: Adriana Hohman, Eleanor Jamieson, Elijah Minkley, Gabriella Zuniga,Hannah Stewart,Haydee Choi, Heloise Shen, Ivy Niebergall, Kaiden Rathwell, Megan Hills, Mila Tait, Milana Poverzhuk, Noah Findlay, Noemi Moe, Soleil Lam, Tamsin Hill,Alexandra Levis, Chanel Lee, Claudia Gimon, Ena Sato, Elsa Anderson,Himari Imada, Kanon Suzuki, Kizuna Narumi, Konomi Takeuchi, Lisa Tanaka, Massa Dewa,Mariia Vasylenko, Momone Nakada, Nanaho Miyahshita, Poppy Purwien, Riko Matshushita, Siwon Park, , Sophia Labelle, Yua Taguchi

  • Music: We Sit and Cry by David Lang
    Choreographer: Racheal Prince
    Coach: Graham McKelvie

    Student: Ava Arnold

  • Music: Reflections by Timo Andres, Conor Hanick, and Sufjan Stevens
    Choreographer: Helen Cox

    This piece is set to a score written for two pianos, originally composed by Sufjan Stevens for the New York City Ballet. During my maternity leave, Stevens' album became a source of inspiration, sparking vivid imagery of shape, colour, and movement that resonated with the music.

    In collaboration with the dancers, we have crafted a piece using the excerpts "Euphoros" and "Rodina." The resulting work, for me, embodies a sense of presence and connection. The title Glimmer refers to the fleeting moments of joy, pleasure, peace, and gratitude that punctuate our daily lives.

    Senior School Students: Andie Watson, Bokyung Kim, Cameryn MacDougall, Charie Ngan, Chisato Yoshimura, Ella Plichta, Heewon Hwang, Indigo Jakeman, Jiho Jung, Koh Sato, Mary Hills, Masha Komina, Pascale Decelles, Raissa Doppelreiter, Roxanne Koehn, Siofra McAweeney, Yuhuza Arai

Intermission (10 minutes)

  • Music: Leo Delibes
    Choreographer: Helen Cox

    Student: Eva-Marie Fox

  • Choreographer: Graham McKelvie
    A Morning Spent Thinking of a Life Without You by Flatsound

    Student: Anika Bhatnagar

  • Music: Fordlandia by Johann Johannson
    Choreographer: Graham McKelvie

    The Message In The Bottle is my observation of the times in which we live, in all it’s exuberance, anxiety and hope. I see around me everywhere, people carrying their burdens or dragging behind them their hopes, fears and aspirations. I wish for more in the way of a peaceful calm. This is one of my wishes for the world. In this work, the dancers themselves are the message in the bottle. Each of us is the sum of our experiences, joys, hurts, determination and hopes. Our experiences make us who we are. We become a longer story with ever more chapters until we are found and known. It is for these reasons I find the notion of a message in a bottle so compelling and filled with a kind of romance. When I was young there was a scroll put up in my house upon which was printed "Desiderata”. It was a well known piece of writing back in its day, written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. Desiderata means simply “things wanted or needed”. The lines that follow are but a few from the entire text but they stayed with me my entire life. They became for me, a kind of message in a bottle, written long ago... and found. I feel these lines retain their wonder and they have never failed to inspire me.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

    Senior School Students: Analise Evans, Eva - Maria Fox, Lucinda Huska, Hiyori Sampei, Kanon Harada, Lindi Denkema, Maria Santos, Miku Amemiya, Mimi Nordlund, Olivia Avinou, Sydney Parish, Brynn Eisler, Eden Robichaud, Esther Benson, Kaili Kirschbaum, Lucy Kim, Sophie Cruz, Takumi Iino, Tamaki Tsunomachi, Tsuzuri Hasunuma, Willa Clark, Anya Viinikka, Alana Ostrowski, Alessandra Gladstone, Anika Bhatnagar, Anna Pellietier, Annalise Read, Aoi Engauchi, Ava Arnold, Ella Southwell, Greer Townsend, Lily Summerville, Mikaela Jade Shedden, Miriam Hills, Morgan Dunham, Nene Hori, Regina Aguilar, Sarah Koslowsky, Simone Stolar, Sophie Janzen, Tierney Baker, Zofia Dyck, Tom Waters

Alberta Ballet Donors help Alberta Ballet School advance its mission.

Alberta Ballet School cultivates, trains and empowers the next generation of professional dancers, ensuring our students are prepared to excel in post-secondary studies or pursue a thriving dance career, be it in Alberta or beyond.

Their training is a foundational activity of Alberta Ballet's charitable mission, and our valued donor community makes it possible to help advance the career aspirations of these talented and dedicated dance students.

Alberta Ballet School’s Annual Contemporary Showcase is your generosity in motion. To learn more about donor impact, email us at donate@albertaballet.com.

  • Adrian Jones

    Aggie Mikulski

    Aisling Baird

    Alana Sawyer

    Alex A. Osten

    Alfred Sorensen

    Alfredo Martin

    Alyssa Kim

    Amanda Dube

    Amanda Hasan

    Amber D. Leeson

    Andre Succar

    Andrea Brussa

    Andrew & Alison Love

    Andrew Greenshaw

    Anelise Silveira

    Angelina Bakshi

    Ann Calvert

    Ann Falk

    Ann Hildenbrand-Mallory

    Ann Howell

    Ann McCaig

    Anna Maria Marrocco

    Anne M. Toutant

    Annette L. Willoughby

    Annette Milbradt

    Annie McKitrick

    Anthony Grace

    Ardith Birchall

    Arlene Strom & Colin Jackson

    Arliss Miller

    Beatrice van den Dool

    Bernard Kohrs

    Beth MacIntosh

    Betty Sherwood

    Betty Stein

    Bob & Mary Lamond

    Bob Willows

    Bogdan Kulik

    Boyd Musgrove

    Brenda Currie

    Brenda H. Harriet Fick

    Brenda Kaminski

    Brenda Nugent

    Brianna Wartman

    Bruce Mackenzie

    Bruce McFarlane & Janice Heard

    Burdette Richardson

    C J de Jong

    Calvin Chow

    Cara Varzari

    Carmen Stimpson

    Carol Dixon

    Carol H. Hodgson-Birkman

    Carol Rands

    Carol Xia

    Carolyn Nutter

    Catherine Barrett

    Catherine Campbell

    Catherine Lakeman

    Catherine Lis

    Catherine Turnbull

    Catherine Walker

    Cecilie Lord

    Chan and Lois Hawkins

    Cheri D Boyle

    Chris Piggott

    Christina & Paul Marlett

    Christine Halasa

    Christine Trickett

    Christopher & Ingrid Eggertson

    City Lumber & Millwork

    Claire Galvin

    Colin Jones

    Colleen Hartley

    Colleen J. Sankey

    Courtney Brin

    Craig & Valerie Johnstone

    Crystal L. Willie

    Darcia Rolland

    Darin H. Grisdale

    Noel Papadopoulos & Darin LaBonte

    Daryl Fridhandler

    David & Violet Todd

    David Jacques

    David Severson

    Davin & Alexis Macintosh

    Dawn Riley

    Dean J. Bartlett

    Deana Haley

    Debra Anker

    Debra Pitman

    Deirdre Harris

    Delia Stayner

    Diana Andriashek

    Diana Mulherin

    Dianne Grant

    Donald & Pauline Gray

    Donna Grandan

    Donna M. Ludvigsen

    Dorothy Guch

    Dorothy Woolstencroft

    Douglas and Laurie Strothe

    Douglas Soeder

    Dyann Lewis

    Edgar Toop

    Edward Huck

    Eileen Jones

    Elena Hernandez-Kucey

    Elisa Pilkington

    Elizabeth Baggott

    Ellen Bach

    Ellie & Carter Siebens

    Eric & Dedre Toker

    Erika Pochailo

    Erin Lamb-Fauquier

    Ernesto Chaves

    Eva Weckl

    F Michael Wright

    Farrell Engineering Sales Inc

    Fath Group/O'Hanlon Paving

    Fay Milk

    Feiran Qian

    Florence Dickson

    Fran Blacklaws

    Frances & Bob Coward

    Gail Moores

    Gail O'reilly

    Geoffrey Mar

    Geoffrey Van Blaricom

    George & Colleen Bezaire

    Georgina Clark

    Geraldine Higgins

    Gerard D. Mcinnis

    Gerhard Henkemans

    Geri & Allan Moon

    Gilda Sanders

    Gillian Lawrence

    Gina Sorensen

    Glenda Magallon

    Grace Bokenfohr

    Graeme Beaulieu

    Graham Steel

    Gregory McLeod

    Haggett & Rogers Group of Companies Inc.

    Heather & Ian Bourne

    Heather Klimchuk

    Heather Rae

    Helen Otto

    Helen Webster

    Herman & Elly de Jongh Fund

    Hope Smith

    Ildiko Beermann

    Imelda D. McLaren

    Ingrid Rozema

    Ingrid Vicas

    Jack & Donna Newton

    Jack Mcivor

    J'Adore Dance

    James & Allison Murphy

    James Conley

    Jana Neal

    Jane Baxter

    Jane Carestairs

    Jane McCaig & Richard Waller

    Janet Brook

    Janet E Matthews

    Janice Rae

    Jean Lawson

    Jeanie Cameron-Staples

    Jeanne E. Watson

    Jennifer & Torval Mork

    Jennifer Rallison

    Jesse Martinez

    Jessica Davis

    Jia Hu

    Jill A. Stueby

    Jill Sheward

    Jillian & Hall Murdoch

    Joan Bedard

    Joanne Graham

    Joanne Danyluk-Hall

    Jocelyn Beckett

    Jodi Moodie

    Jody Korchinski

    Joel Finkbeiner

    John & Marilynne Gillespie

    John & Barbara Feldberg

    John & Sheilagh Langille

    John & Susan Hokanson

    John C. Bonnycastle

    John Laurence

    John Mac Mullan

    John Masters & Carol Larsen

    Joni Hughes

    Joni Rynsburger

    Joy Higgins

    Joyce Lester

    Joyce Shietze

    Judith Anderson

    Judith Hannon

    Judith McLeay

    Judy Chan

    Judy Cosco

    Julia Boberg

    Julie Moylan

    Juliette Lemieux-Gordon

    Kamala Pepper

    Kara Levis

    Karen Titanich

    Kari Smith

    Karol Dabbs

    Katherine Bilson

    Katherine Weaver

    Kathleen Popp

    Kathryn Glendinning

    Kathryn Lennon

    Kathy Campbell

    Kathy J. McMillan

    Kathy Ruth R. Morgan

    Kathy Smart

    Katie A. Hayes

    Katrina Whiteman

    Keith & Cindy O'Neill

    Kelly Bourassa

    Kelsey Snow

    Kerri and Sean Barr

    Kevin Allen & Gordon Sombrowski

    Kevin Stecyk

    Kim Chaudhry

    Lana Bistritz

    Larry Clausen

    Laura Graham

    Laura Knop-Wright

    Laura Prather

    Laurel McKay

    Laurie Bayda

    Laurie Roszell

    Lawrence Gervais

    Lea Kramer

    Leigh Garvie

    Leigh McAdam

    Leo Hofmann

    Leona Gibb

    Leonard Arcovio

    Leslie A. O'Leary

    Leslie and Gerald Giacomelli

    Leslie Anne A. Percy

    Leslie Dort

    Leslie Pidcock

    Liana Harper

    Linda Davis

    Linda De Bathe

    Linda Kaye K. Crawford

    Lindsay Hyndman & Corinne Bleakley

    Lindsay Salloum

    Lindsey Walsh

    Lisa Cuthill

    Lisa Denesiuk

    Liz McGregor

    Liz Tonken

    Lois Field

    Lorelei Tauber

    Lori Goetjen-Lienau

    Louise Klatzel-Mudry

    Lucie Thirnbeck

    Lucy Ruiz

    Luigi Raimondi

    Lyn Johnson

    Lynn & Vern Hult

    Lynn Sparks

    Lynne Fawcett

    Madelyn Lang

    Magdalena Mateuszczyk

    Maggie Mitchell

    Malcolm and Theresa Grainger

    Marco Simonelli

    Marga Betz

    Margaret Dudley

    Margo L. LaValley

    Marguerite Paulsen

    Maria Binnion

    Marilynne Gillespie

    Marion Tompkins

    Marjorie Kornelsen

    Martin & Theresa Trotter

    Martin Andersen

    Marueen Senior

    Mary C. Macdonald

    Mary-Anne Rowe

    Matias Grum

    Maureen G. Mannix

    Mel Mirasol

    Melanie O. Houley

    Melanie Zimmer

    Mengmeng Lu

    Michael Sherman

    Michele L. Gunn

    Mihaela lordache

    Miri Kim

    Mitch & Susanne Williams

    Mona & Scott Rose

    Ms. Dale Lamont

    Monique Courcelles

    Nan Schuurmans

    Nancy Aust

    Nancy Scrymgeour

    Nancy Thorpe

    Nancy Tice

    Naomi Degenhardt

    Natalie Choules

    National Bank Trust

    Nicole Butler

    Nicole Herrero-Langlais & Jose-Carlos Herrero

    Noel Xavier

    Nora Stovel

    Norma Younger

    Oksana Tcherbak

    Olive Rynsburger

    Osten-Victor Fund

    Outi McEachern

    Patricia Cisakowski

    Patricia Culver

    Patricia Peabody

    Patricia Seamans

    Patti McKendrick

    Paul & Christina Marlett

    Paula Magdich

    Penelope Weir

    Penny Smith

    Peter & Dorothea MacDonnell

    Peter Andrekson & Veronica Prokop

    Peter & Ethel Stapleton

    Randall Anderson

    Rebecca Tucker

    Rena Tsunomachi

    Renate Palmer

    Rhonda Sim

    Richard & Aurora Musto

    Richard and Mary Shaw

    Richard Mah

    Richard Ostrowski

    Robert & Jean Ann Rooney

    Robert Arts & Pam Fitzgerald

    Robert Rosen

    Robin & Tino Di Manno

    Robin Grouette

    Rod & Betty Wade

    Roderick & Jean McKay

    Roger Mapp

    Ron Westcott

    Roseanne Penner

    Rosemarie Brown

    Roxanne McCaig

    Ruben & Heather Nelson

    Ruth Aronetz

    Saida Vuk

    Samy Salloum

    Sandra Alton

    Sandra F. Lucas

    Sandra Folkins

    Sandra Yates

    Sandy & Bill Evans

    Sarah Burghardt

    Sarah Cooper

    Sarah Palmer & Tom Plunkett

    Savannah Ribeiro

    Scott Olson

    Sean English

    Shannon Stevenson

    Sharon Hanwell

    Sharon Martens

    Sharon McNaughton

    Sharon Pawlyk

    Sharon Watkins

    Shawna Guiltner

    Sheahan Keinick

    Shelagh Lobay

    Shelley Smith

    Shirine Lund

    Shirley Allder

    Spayco Clinic

    Simone T. Bussieres & Richard Speiss

    Stacey Tomlinson

    Stephanie Ho Lem

    Stephanie Lawrence

    Stephen Marsters & Steven Gallent

    Sue Hindle

    Susan Andrews

    Susan MacDonald

    Susan-Jane Sudyk

    Sylvia Duffus

    Tadeusz Baczkiewicz

    Tania Dunlop

    Tannis Morgan

    Tara Mathison

    Tara Weiss

    Tennille Boessenkool

    Terrie Faber

    Terry Palmer

    Tessa Hornbeck

    The Fabbrici Foundation

    Theresa Yearwood

    Therese Kracher

    Thomas & Kathryn Grell

    Thomas Fath & Jo-Ann Kolmes

    Tricia Hyndman

    Trudy Feldmeyer

    Trudy Velichka

    Valerie & Tony Barlott

    Valerie Beauchamp

    Valerie MacLeod

    Valerie Robertson

    Valerie Seaman

    Vicki Giles

    Victor Dantas

    Vivian Manasc

    Walter & Irene DeBoni

    Wendy Gnenz

    Yolanda Van Wachem

    Yuko Mase

    Yulia Herasimovich

  • Anonymous

    Alberta Ballet Foundation


    Calgary Foundation


    Edmonton Community Foundation

    Fabbrici Foundation for the Arts

    GiftFunds Canada

    Heather Bala Edwards Foundation

    Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by Altalink

    Seaver Family Flow Through Fund at the Calgary Foundation

    Viewpoint Foundation

    Baker Tilly Catalyst

    Palmer Family Foundation

    Farrell Engineering Sales Inc.

    Osten-Victor Fund

    Callow & Associates Management Consultants Inc.

    AltaLink, A Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company

  • The Heather Edwards Foundation

    The Fabbrici Foundation for the Arts

    The Lindsay Rachel Giacomelli Memorial Fund

    The Alberta Ballet Foundation


Behind the scenes, a whole community helps us inspire you with dance!

Alberta Ballet School gratefully receives funding support from:

  • Chair
    Heather Rae, HRJ Consulting

    Vice Chairs
    NORTH - Heather Klimchuk, MacEwan University
    SOUTH - Sarah Palmer, LL.B., ICD.D

    Corporate Secretary
    Frank Molnar, Field Law

    Jana Neal, SFG Investments

  • Denise Clark, One Yellow Rabbit

    Wendy Gnenz, MNP (Edmonton)

    Alyssa Kim, Finning Canada

    Noël Papadopoulos, Papas Group

    Agnieszka (Aggie) Mikulski, TIPP Consulting

    Bob Willows, Willows Construction (2001) Ltd.

    Noel Xavier, Edmonton Community Foundation

    Melissa Cook, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

    Peggy Garritty, PG Communications Ltd.

    Justice Greg Stirling

    Melissa Padfield, University of Alberta

    Jill Strueby, Harris & Partners Advisory Inc.

    Alfred Sorensen

    Peter Stapleton

    Heather Rae

    Jana Neal

    Joni Hughes

    Rita Tripathy

    George Bezaire